Tag Archives: bob seger

Night Moves

“Woke last night to the sound of thunder,

How far off, I sat and wondered,

Started humming a song from 1962,

Ain’t it funny how the night moves?”

Bob Seger – “Night Moves” 1976

The fact that I remember where I was the first time I heard songs like, ‘The Wanderer” and “Johnny Angel” is more than a little frightening.

Anywhoo, I awoke last night to the sound of thunder. The sky was clear and is wasn’t raining. No lightning either. There is was again, rolling through the house, up the bedposts and into my spine. No wind could be heard during the silent interlude between the rolling crashes. Hmmm, what could it be, I sat and wondered?

Have you every heard two 20+ pound cats chase each other throughout the house, wrestling, falling off furniture onto the floor, and then pausing for a few moments to groom themselves before starting in again? I waited to hear the crash of antique dishware or Easter decorations. None came…they are learning to steer clear of certain items in the house.

I had a cat in 1962. Smokey liked to hide under the bookcases and attack our bare feet as we ran through the library on our way to bed. She thought it was great fun in the dark. That Siamese was on a mission. Her favorite time to set the ambush was at night. I was once asked where I learned my dance moves? By trying to dodge an attacking cat in the night.

Ain’t it funny how the night moves?



Posted by on March 29, 2013 in Musings and Odd Thoughts


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