Tag Archives: Homeless

Small Winter Joys

Mini Snowman

Mini Snowman

Little gestures make the biggest impact. Helping a stranger navigate an ice-covered sidewalk. Holding an elevator for someone on crutches. Letting the person with one item step into line ahead of you when you have a cart full of groceries. These are small things that take virtually no effort but mean a great deal to those helped. When a small gesture affects many people, it becomes extra special.

I was driving through downtown Minneapolis a week ago. While waiting at a stop light, I looked to my right and saw an unusual sight. The building on the corner was built of stone and the builder had incorporated a small ledge into the wall at about waist-high. Sitting on the ledge was a miniature snowman. I couldn’t help but smile. It made my day.

I have no idea who made it. It might have been someone waiting for a bus or, perhaps, a homeless person on their way to the shelter for a hot meal and a warm place to sleep. Whoever it was, they did a very special thing. This intersection receives a lot of traffic everyday, both vehicles and pedestrians. I’m talking about several thousand people every day. I cannot believe that anyone passing the Mini Snowman would not smile and feel the joy of the winter season. Thar’s a lot of happiness spread by a small gesture that took little effort and little time. Whoever you are, thank you!



Posted by on December 16, 2013 in Musings and Odd Thoughts


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