On Veteran’s Day 2021

Today, I drink a toast as many do, to those men and women who wrote a blank check to their country and served in the armed forces. I am grateful to each and every one. Veterans within my family. Those I’ve had the pleasure to work with throughout my career. Those that I am honored to still call my friends. Those that continue to serve. I believe that America remains the greatest country in the world because you are ever vigilant on that wall. You will always have my undying respect and gratitude. I salute you. God bless you!

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Posted by on November 11, 2021 in Musings and Odd Thoughts


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Character’s Arc vs Writer’s Arc

A critical part of any story is the arc of the character’s life as it traverses the plotline. The character must grow and/or change in some way during the course of the story to generate interest and tension. The reader expects and demands that the character to change in response to actions and events that engage with the character.

Some writers carefully plan every aspect of this change for each member of their cast. They develop piles of notes which include every cause and effect, action and reaction, beginning personality profile and end-state profile. They meticulously control each character to ensure that the ending exactly what they imagined it would be when they began the story.

Other writers start off with their basic character idea and let the character develop as the story unfolds, growing and changing based on the environment as it is encountered. At times, the character may act in a way that is unexpected or seemingly irrational. These actions may take the story in a direction the writer did not mean for the story to go.

So, what happens if the character’s arc veers wildly from its original path? The writer may have to make a decision whether to let the character’s arc continue in this new direction, or use a heavy hand and bring the character back in line within the original intention. Allowing the new direction can be exciting and very rewarding. However, the writer must trust the character. This is not always an easy thing to do, especially for new writers or untested characters.

Choosing to use the heavy hand and make major edits can be even more daunting and has caused some writers to start over at the beginning or even scrap a project completely. Character arcs are that important!

What happens then, when a writer reflects on his or her own life arc and is unsatisfied with where it is at? Perhaps they have not reached the goals they set for themselves by the time they reached their current age. Or maybe, their personality has changed due to life experiences and they are no longer the happy go lucky person they once were. Or, an accident or illness has left them unable to live the life they had dreamed of. Does a writer have choices regarding their ability to respond to their own life arc? Of course they do.

Granted, going back and rewriting ones life is not something that is currently possible. At least as far as I am aware. However, a writer can choose to accept their arc as it is, or they can choose to make changes that will alter the course of that arc in the future. Just like any other character, I might add. The choices and possible alternatives may or may not have limits depending on what the change entails and the actions required to affect the change. But as every writer knows, lots of little changes can have a huge impact on a character by the end of a story.

I noticed recently, after watching my wife interacting with several individuals in the grocery store, that I am not as nice a person as I used to be. I rarely smile and say, “Hi” to people I meet on the street. Offering to help someone in need is not automatic like it once was. Cynicism is a major mode of communication for me. When I asked my wife about my observation, we came up with all sorts of great excuses for my “shift” in behavior. Things like: lines of work, work environment, media, politics, social media, toxic personal relationships with family and friends, and lack of adequate stress relievers were just a few. As I said, these are just excuses.

To me it appears that changing my arc is simple, but not easy. It is about making better choices. I choose to smile and say, “Hi” to the cashier when I pay for my gasoline and coffee. I choose to to not watch ABC or CNN news. I choose to adjust my schedule to ensure that I spend more time writing and less time listening to or reading comments from individuals who might push my buttons. In other words, I’m taking the small changes approach to altering my character arc. I’ll let you know how it goes.


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Three score and a couple years ago, I spewed forth to being upon this continent, to the pure joy of my parents, and the utter chagrin of my older brothers. Since that time, the reviews would be a mixed bag among the other humans that I’ve made contact with. That’s likely not unusual for most people who make it this far. That number is a milestone for a number of reasons. As such, it warrants a few moments and words.

I don’t believe that congratulations are deserved just for living ones life. Each of us has trials and tribulations, obstacles to overcome. Achievements. Pitfalls. Failures. Rebounds. So, what then is the point of a milestone? A review? A reflection? Just replaying ones great achievements seems too narcissistic to me. A sign hanging on the wall in my house speaks of, “the number of breaths you take in life is not as important as the number of moments that take your breath away.” So, as I reflect on the this milestone, what comes to mind are a few of those images, feelings, events, and people that stood out as special.

Some of the moments that have taken my breath away:

Watching bald eagles mating flights over the St Croix River.

Helping a woman bring her new daughter into this world.

Holding the hand of a dying stranger as his spirit left his material body for the last time and travelled to the afterlife.

Swatting my hand and killing eleven mosquitos. Then, after escaping into the safety of a nylon tent with my brother, we attempted to calculate the number of mosquito carcasses it would take to completely fill up the cylinders of a 327 cubic inch engine. (I no longer remember) Then, trying to get to sleep while listening to the buzz of a billion vengeful mosquitos, each yearning for one drop of my blood. What would I look like in the morning if the tent were not between me and them?

Seeing the ocean as flat and still as a mirror, not even a minor blemish as far as the eye could see.

The power of the thunderstorm crashing through a high mountain valley, lightning cracking all around making the air smell of ozone.

Standing and looking down at the actual documents that this country was founded on. Not photocopies or pictures in a book. the actual signed two-hundred year old documents.

Seeing the look of understanding appear in a student’s eyes for the first time after a dozen failed attempts.

Having a squirrel scamper down a tree, that I was sitting at the base of while deer hunting, and sit on my camouflaged hat/head not realizing that I was not part of that tree. He actually went back up the tree after several minutes without raising the alarm! I still don’t know how I kept from laughing while he sat there eating his acorns, dropping the hulls in my lap.

The Arizona Memorial, Arlington Cemetery, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, The Alamo, Gettysburg Battlefield. Just go to these places. You’ll understand the feeling once you get there.

I can’t begin to talk about the people. Way too many. Oh, how I want to. Even some of you reading this…

That’s some of my moments. Thank you for letting me reflect on them. In one of my favorite movies, “Meet Joe Black,” an a dying woman tells the doctor that, in the end, all life is about is collecting pretty pictures. That is what we take with us. I thought that was an interesting way to look at it. I’ll keep collecting mine and I hope you do too.


Posted by on September 20, 2021 in Musings and Odd Thoughts


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Retirement has been great! I want to say that first, before you get the wrong idea. In the two months since I walked away from the treadmill of working for someone else, my mind has drifted back to the office three times. In each case it was because a friend called with a question. Otherwise, I have not missed the daily grind…at all.

Now my plans for retirement included making more time to write, more time to blog, more time on the archery, pistol, and rifle ranges, more time fishing, more time working on and driving my radio-controlled trucks, more time reading, and more time traveling with my wife. That was my plan before I actually retired. But plans are like the waves of heat rising from the sun-baked earth, a mirage. They are never quite what we think they will be.

The reality has been: two weeks of pre-planned medical appointments, landscape work, home repairs, landscape work, repair a utility trailer, landscape work, remove diseased trees and buckthorn (black locust), landscape work, a trip to Iowa, a trip to Chippewa Falls, and some more landscape work. Along the way, I did finish the final chapter revisions of my novel, Snake Rattles and start the second book in the series. I also have been able to squeeze in a new truck build that is almost complete. Almost. Oh, And I did make it over to MN for the Father’s Day traditional archery shoot.

As you can see the work and play balance has been a little lopsided in favor of work. I have learned two very important things. One, at sixty-one and a half, I can still work hard and do the things that need to be done physically. Two, my body takes a bit longer to recover from moving a couple tons of rock than it did when I was twenty-three. Thank you OTC anti-inflammatory products.

The good news is the back log of projects is getting smaller and I’m getting more comfortable with the new schedule. By the way, I have been right for the past forty years, a one-hour nap in the afternoon should be mandatory in the workplace. It improves attitude and performance in every worker in my household. Write your Legislators and demand that they make this a law. Hell, they should be able to fit it into one of those otherwise meaningless multi trillion dollar bills they seem to pass every other month. Oops, I broke my own rule. Sorry.

Anyway, I do enjoy my new situation. I believe the work/play balance will improve and my initial plans will become more of a reality. Like a long-range precision shooter, learning to read the mirage is a key skill to becoming successful. I will watch the waves of my plan and make adjustments as necessary until I feel I have achieved the right mix of want tos and have tos.


Posted by on July 19, 2021 in Musings and Odd Thoughts


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People I lost











I’m not a big fan. But not for the reasons you might think.

COVID-19? Just another disease that science and the medical community won’t find a cure for. Cures are far less cost effective than treatments. Also, finding one is no guarantee that it will ever make it to implementation. Same reason as above. Corrupt politicians? That’s redundancy if I even heard it. Civil unrest? Really? Nothing new there. I lived through the sixties, seventies, and eighties.

No. What caused me the most pain this year was realizing the loss of so many people. Friends, family members, people I work with, people I grew up with, went to school with, laughed and cried with. These people did not physically die. But they vanished just the same.

I’m talking about people who were once extremely intelligent, caring, compassionate, sharp thinking, independent, analytical, creative, humorous, kind, rational, problem solving types. They vanished. The shells that remain cannot think for themselves. They believe what strangers on digital displays tell them, without asking questions, without demanding context or intent. They have become reactionary to words and actions without consideration of intent, becoming offended and outraged without rational consideration or discourse.

Many interesting dialogues were had with these people. Disagreements rarely ended with raised voices let alone raised fists or bloodshed. The ability to hear an argument, rationalize it, and respond intelligently without taking offense is the cornerstone of debate. It’s called conversation. Communication. Have we really lost the ability to communicate with each other? Face to face, not looking into a digital display.

How many posts on social media were removed because a simple question degenerated to name calling and worse between friends? Would this happen if the conversation was taking place face to face? I wonder. I can not tell you how much it hurt to see this happen over and over. I wanted to step in and comment to defuse the situation, but I will not engage in reactionary melee with those who get there truth from strangers without applying critical thought. It doesn’t make me right. It just means that only then can I respect that your view is truly yours.

I watched far too many people vanish this year. People I cared about. My wish for 2021 is for those lost people to return and introduce themselves.

P.S. If this offends you in any way, I will not apologize. Instead, please go to the closest mirror and ask your reflection, “Why have you given Dennis so much control over your life that you let him offend you with a few words on a digital display?” Then listen carefully to the answer that you receive and apply that same question to every communication you engage in. Or, send me a message and ask my why. You may find your way back.


Posted by on December 31, 2020 in Other Strangeness


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Workshops, Groups, and Retreats, Part 3





In part 1, I spoke about writer’s groups. In part 2, I covered some of the the pros and cons of workshops. So today we have retreats. Actually, I wish I was going to a retreat today. Quiet, solitude, beverage of choice, inspirational scenery, uninterrupted time to write, what’s not to like? Whether it’s a full-blown professionally run retreat at a luxury resort with twelve other writers that costs a bunch of money, or heading up to the cabin for a week by yourself, or renting a room at the local motel with your writing partner and ordering pizza for a weekend, a writing retreat can be just the ticket.

Like the other groups we talked about retreats vary greatly in size and scope so be sure you know what you are getting into before you spend your hard-earned money. Some retreats focus entirely on the act of writing, putting words on the page/screen as fast as you can. Others include mini workshops with the other attendees to provide some instant feedback and to talk through rough patches or potential ideas. Still others are structured affairs resembling multi-day workshops where editing is the name of the game.

I believe that the key to any style of retreat is to be prepared. Yes, that’s the Eagle Scout in me coming out. But nevertheless, being prepared can make or break your retreat. Make a list of what you think you will need, not just for the act of writing. Food, beverages, a good place to sleep are all important. Clean clothes are optional if it’s just you, but I would recommend regular bathing as it helps the mental aspects of writing as well. And, if you’re with a larger retreat it’s down right mandatory if you want a return invitation next year.

With regards to the act of writing, I recommend you have a backup method with you. Power grids can go down in a storm, laptop batteries can fail, and power cords can break. A good old-fashioned spiral-bound notebook or legal pads and several pencils and pens can be your most important items in your writing bag. Frankly,  anyone who doesn’t carry a writer’s notebook and pen with them wherever they go should question whether or not they are a serious writer. If you insist on writing on a computer, do not leave home without an external backup source. Save your work often. I prefer an mini external hard drive but I never travel without at least a new, formatted, usb drive. You just spent 3 days of vacation banging out 30,000 brilliant words to finish off your novel, your hard drive suddenly crashes, and you realize that not once during the writing marathon did you hit SAVE! It is not something you ever want to experience.

Along with food and water, you may find that you hit a wall, mentally or physically. Retreats are supposed to be fun, so take a break, go for a walk, go fishing or shopping, perhaps a swim. Let your mind and body recover/recharge. This is where the structured retreats can be helpful. Usually they have planned events to provide those down-time opportunities. Often an informal gathering around the fireplace/campfire or dinner table can result in inspiration that takes your story to a new level.

Like the other types of groups, do your research and determine if the format is what you are looking for. If it is, I highly recommend this form of writing event. Have fun and good writing!



Workshops, Groups, and Retreats, Part 2





In Part 1, I spoke about writer’s groups and explained some of the differences between writer’s groups and critique groups. I’ve already covered my search for a critique group in The Help. And, I touched on some of the benefits I’ve received by joining the “right group”, in The Help, Part 2. I will come back to critique groups later in this series or posts.

Today I want to discuss workshops. To remind you, here is the definition that I am using:

“Writing workshop – A group of writers (strangers) who have provided samples of their writing to each other to read. They then provide feedback (written and/or verbal) on the quality of each other’s writing and possibly provide recommendations on the various aspects of the craft. This is usually a one shot event.”

Advice provided by other writers indicated that this would be an excellent tool to use during the editing process. The fact that the members do not know you very well, if at all, and haven’t seen your work on a regular basis like a writers/critique group does. Fresh eyes, various backgrounds, and hopefully a common interest in the genre can provide insight into those writing tics that your friends and group mates have become accustomed to. Their reactions and feedback should be reflective of a new reader in your target audience. Or, so one would think.

The common interest in your genre is not at all required. In fact, having authors from other genres look at you story can really be an eye-opening experience. Romance, mystery, and literary authors can see your fantasy story very differently, and provide unique feedback that you may not have considered before. Each writer tends to focus on their genre’s own tropes and idiosyncrasies. Blending some of those into your story can, if they fit, provide a color or plot direction that makes it sing. Equally important is that being a participant in this type of workshop (multi-genre) forces you to read the other writer’s stories. So you get to see how the different genre’s deal with issues common to all stories like setting, characterization, plot, pacing, etc.

I will never forget the first romance novel I ever read. Yes, I read it cover to cover and provided a review for the author. It was a struggle for me to get through simply because it was so different from my usual fare. However, it was well written. I did see a few issues, in my humble opinion, in how the setting was portrayed and I hope that some of my comments helped the author with future projects.

Like all forms of critique facilities, workshops should have rules or guidelines to provide a framework for the event and attempt to ensure the workshop runs efficiently and is as productive as possible for everyone. Typical guidelines might include: Only one participant speaks at a time in a prescribed order, always start with a positive comment, what worked for you, what didn’t work for you, what would have worked better, critique the writing not the writer, read from prepared comments, the author cannot speak other than to ask direct yes or no questions to clarify a comment, the author should not attempt to defend the work, the author can ask additional questions after all critiques have been received, the author is allowed to take notes during the critique, or written copies of comments are provided at the end of the session. It is the responsibility of the moderator to keep everyone on track.

As a rule the workshops I have attended were friendly, productive and well worth my time and money. Yes, you usually have to pay a small fee to participate. However, I would advise you to be aware of two issues before signing up and paying your fee. First, read the submission requirements and guidelines carefully. Being unprepared is rude and can bring out the worst in even the friendliest of writers. This will also tell you what to expect when your work is being reviewed. Second, grow some thick skin. You’ll need it eventually anyway, so start now. Not everyone follows the rules of critique and not every moderator can retain control of a session. So, some of the comments you receive might be very harsh. Always remember that you asked for this.

One other thing. If you attend a workshop, expect to learn something! In fact, a lot of somethings. Even the harshest critique can have a silver lining. Let me give you an example from a recent workshop I attended as part of a fantasy writers conference.

I had attended this same conference many times, so I felt comfortable signing up for the pre-conference workshop. The introductory email included a link to the “MilFord Style rules” of the critique sessions as well as submission guidelines. I submitted the first 5,000 words of a story I’d been working on and had already run through my writer’s group. I wanted some fresh eyes to see it. After a short time I received four submissions from the other participants that I was required to read and comment on during the workshop. I completed my assignment, printed off copies of my comments and arrived at the workshop site.

To keep this on point, I will skip ahead to the feedback I received and the lessons I learned. First, a brief scene synopsis:  Scene One – My half-breed male protagonist enters a contemporary western brothel run by his mother, an evil woman whom he suspects is responsible for the murder of his father, to tell her that her second husband has died of cancer. Scene Two – The protagonist is introduced to his new client and the female lead of the story, an award-winning actress/ranch owner who is being stalked.

The four members of my group spent forty of the forty-five minute session in which my submission was critiqued, focused on two things: My negative portrayal of women, based on a two sentence description of two working girls wearing undersized lingerie, and that the mother was a sociopath. And, that a “middle-aged white male writer” should not discuss native american spirituality and syncretism across cultures, without substantial supporting data and permission from the Nations I was portraying, as it will be seen as an insult to the indigenous peoples.

As for my portrayal of women, the moderator did say that she gave me the benefit of the doubt in the first chapter, since she didn’t know me and that the second chapter seemed to reflect a more favorable light based on her initial impression on the actress character. However, the other three participants felt that I was being insensitive and should reconsider my setting choices. In addition, they recommended that I move this first chapter to later in the story to allow for the more positive view of the actress to lead off.

At no time during the critique, did any of the participants ask me about my own belief system, my heritage, my experiences with Native Americans, my credentials, or whether I was basing this character on a real person. According to the “rules of the workshop” I was only allowed to answer yes or no questions and could not speak up to clarify misconceptions. So, I kept my mouth shut and took good notes. The other five minutes of the session included some positive comments about my writing style and some suggestions relating to technical aspects of the story.

After they were finished, I chose to not get defensive (once again, I followed the rules), thanked them for their feedback, and we moved on to the next submission.

Those people who know me well are probably shaking their heads wondering how I controlled myself and kept from lighting up the entire group. The answer was simple. I know and believe in myself, my characters, and my story, what they said was based on a limited amount of information, and I’d been through enough critiques to know what to listen to and what to ignore.

The silver lining of this experience was two-fold. One, a group of strangers who read fantasy novels, stated that my writing style was engaging. And, two, these four individuals were probably not part of my target audience. I could have jumped up on my soapbox and shouted at the rain, trying to convince them, and maybe I will in a later post. However, it would not have changed the outcome of their critiques. The bottom line is not everyone is going to like your story and they have hot buttons that will send them off on a tangent. But isn’t that what writing fiction is about? Making the reader think, question, feel, experience is what this is all about.

I strongly recommend attending a workshop if you are able. More often than not it will be a fantastic experience. Just prepare and go into it with an open mind. And when you are providing a fellow writer with your comments, pay attention to the advise from this quote:

“When giving the critique of what did not work for you about the story. Don’t be afraid to be critical of the writing, in a fair and constructive way. Focus on the writing, not the writer. In short, be of assistance, don’t be an ass.” – Milford-Style Workshopping

Next up, Retreats!


Posted by on February 28, 2019 in Thoughts on Writing


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